The Art of Gifting Cigars: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Cigar

2024年12月13日By Katrine Cheng
The Art of Gifting Cigars: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Cigar

Making Your Gift Stands Out

Gifting cigars is a timeless tradition that exudes class and sophistication. Whether for a special occasion or a simple gesture of appreciation, a well-chosen cigar can make a lasting impression. The following information will help you select the perfect cigar to gift, covering essential aspects such as size, shape, color, and additional elements that add a touch of elegance.

How to Choose the Right Size

When selecting a cigar as a gift, size matters. A cigar that is too small may come across as less thoughtful or significant. Opt for cigars that offer a decent smoking duration, ensuring the recipient can enjoy a leisurely experience.

  • Recommendation: Choose at least a Robusto size, with a ring gauge no less than 50 and a length of no less than 5 inches. However, avoid cigars with a ring gauge over 58, as many veteran smokers rarely choose such large sizes.

    The Elegance of Shape

    The shape of a cigar can also influence its presentation and smoking experience. Elegant shapes are often more refined and visually appealing, making them perfect for gifting.

    • Recommendation: Consider Figurados like Torpedoes or Belicosos, which have pointed heads and a sleek, sophisticated appearance.

    Selecting the Perfect Color

    The wrapper color of a cigar can indicate its strength and flavor profile. For gifts, medium to dark brown wrappers (Colorado to Maduro) are often preferred for their rich and inviting appearance.

    • Recommendation: Look for cigars with a smooth, oily wrapper in a rich brown hue.

    Adding Extra Elegance

    To make your cigar gift truly stand out, consider additional elements that enhance its presentation and appeal.

    • Gold Label: A cigar with a gold label exudes luxury and exclusivity.

    • Double Band / Foot Band: These extra bands add a touch of sophistication and make the cigar look more distinguished.

    • Recommendation: Look for brands that offer cigars with these extra embellishments, such as the Davidoff Millennium Blend.

    The Importance of Presentation

    The way a cigar is presented can significantly impact the recipient’s perception. A well-packaged cigar in a high-quality box shows thoughtfulness and attention to detail.

    • Recommendation: Ensure the cigars are stored in a humidor box to maintain their quality and freshness. Brands like Padron and Arturo Fuente offer exquisite packaging that makes a great impression.


    Choosing the perfect cigar as a gift involves more than just picking a well-known brand. By considering size, shape, color, and additional elements like labels and packaging, you can elevate your gift to a memorable experience. Whether for a seasoned aficionado or a novice smoker, your thoughtful selection will be appreciated and cherished.

    The following selection includes cigars suitable for gifting across various price ranges.